And if it were me, you could turn also depend on next year yet. I'm glad that is my rest. No "Jingle Bells"-tooting. No "Hohohohoooo. And so many screaming kindergarten groups as in the past few days I have all year not to have to tolerate in bus and train. These children, with their MP3 player damaged his own ears, voice volume can not properly assess ... * * kopfschüttelundmitdemkrückstockrumfuchtel
Apparently I am old. If I am already old, I might as well go to the Laiszhalle , I thought. Since peace will be. Orchestra and piano, but otherwise quiet. What's the matter pause character in music. It is obvious that I'm not long been in a classical concert. Because I forgot the ever-present cough concert, which bothered me even in my days as a choir singer. Is time that even a composer writes a piece, Huston writes that in all the breaks in the score ...
Here's another gift idea . Can also be in the next year. We even give us anything this year ...
(Photo Note. It is part of the here )
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