Monday, February 28, 2011

All Lights Flash On Trailer When Signaling

SPD Erlangen and the threatened freedom of expression

in their own right:

As Erlanger Jusochef Dr. Judge me in July in mails to various distributors accused: has " that Heinze even an anti-racist against an appeal by the DGB-looking call to the right-wing organization" applied Pax Europa "from the context of" Pro NRW " " I demanded of him a reply .

After all communication was rejected by his side, I turned on a lawyer. D araufhin Dr. Richter also has been active, could provide legal protection from the Young Socialists and submitted a proposed settlement for the amicable settlement. He was willing to retract his statements largely. It was offered on my part for the time of settlement negotiations are confidential and no further submissions and observed.
Dr. Richter did not so closely. He wrote again in mailing lists, I do advertising for a book from the far right corner. addition, he has focused internal negotiations regarding our legal efforts. Were also from the internal details of its environment passed on to various press organs, which led to extremely offensive articles:

would-linker with a missionary zeal " flyer / beitrag.php id = 15 520

"Islamophobia infiltrates Sarrazin fifth column and the Left in Erlangen"

I then broke off the mediation efforts, because I doubt
on sustainable agreement will see from Dr. Richter. Now the matter is resolved legally. This in turn brings the Erlanger SPD in the soup. After looking at so far have leaned out the window, and Dr. Richter pay legal (remember, I bear the cost as a private person!), They find themselves forced to take now to influence and exert pressure on members of my party. About all sorts of private channels An attempt was made to influence members of the Left, as have the county chairman, Mr Rosner, and approached the chairman Dr. Janik with a letter to the county board of LINKE.Erlangen. They are saying that I would be "a speech by Dr. Andreas Richter also prohibit the courts."
It's amazing that I should accept such a devastating factual claims ("support of right-wing organizations") as "freedom" of Andreas Richter . As I walk sometimes, a very recent case (Schmidt-Salomon vs. Bishop Müller, .) And to write:

Jusovorsitzende must also stick to the truth

"The court made it clear that mailing lists are not above the law. Jusovorsitzende also are committed to accuracy and truthfulness when they going on about dissenters. This is an important signal for the rule of law: Now, Dr. Richter and his colleagues, like all other citizens, are obliged to quote accurately. Perhaps they see it at some point even in yourself, it is advisable to read a call first before condemning him in their circle of chairs. "

Anyone interested in the application, the judge can Dr.Andreas offered, very moderate and desist, would have to be signed to avoid any legal dispute, has, may contact me. Dr. Richter pulled it known before, not to respond.

Apothem Length In Hexagonal Prism

Mithril ........

I was knitting the body of my bead bag ready. The appearance of the crystal-clear beads with silver and white pearl cotton collection reminds me of the coat of mithril, the
Bilbo Baggins to his nephew Frodo in the first part of the trilogy gives.
Now I have to sew a ticking and everything together into a Täschlein.
closure tuned and ready.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Women Learnig To Masterbate

you'll help me .............

............... my friend!
is in this case it is the "buddy" to my smart black uniform jacket, which I have done last fall. Unfortunately
have worn through the uniform buttons every twist and every week I had to sew at least one knob.
Today I fixed all the buttons with black jewelry wire and crimp beads. HA! And if that does not hold, then I'll eat my hat. Without salt!

Somehow this reminds me of my state exam Anno '98, when my 5 minutes before the examination of a button from the jacket fell. I was about to break me in utter panic as me a life of older Colleague with complete peace of mind and a paper clip the damned button has again pinned to the jacket. I will forever be grateful to him ......

Online Free Movies Mario Salieri


comment by Wolfgang Klosterhalfen Human rights activist and Free Gaza Admiral Prof. Norman Paech Gaddafi and his mouse pad ;-)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Lorna Morgan In School


fibers: merino / bamboo
Weight: 95g
Length absolute: 324m
by: Spinning Martha
spun on the Lady
the spinning of the fibers was again wonderful. The mixture flows easily from the hand is soft, non-felting and has a silky sheen that is not to photograph in available light.
And this was the tops (right of the image) before spinning.

When Can Shampoo N Wash Body Baby

notice .........

Very Mr. Brass,

hereby I announce the employment relationship was as a nanny of your Kinder.Ich found a much quieter, less physically demanding and more lucrative work for grateful people in a South African opal mine.


woman thread-worker

PS: A testimony about my job, you need not issue me because I am going to make my life never again be a similar seminars work.

PPS: do the remaining monthly salary does not pay you. I give him Ihnen.Sie may need.

Edit an hour: Well, maybe I go the place in the opal mine but not on ................. Or I suppose Lord with brass. Which could then be my personal pickaxe holder. * * Gacker

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Acrostic Poem About Camel

stumbling blocks on Thursday

3 am Donnerstag

first What was the best decision of your life?
course, the decision to marry Mr. Brass, although the decision was actually not really, but only the recognition of what was inevitable and preordained.

second If you could rule one day the world, what would you change it?
One day I will be of chief's work? Never ever! I'm not made for great things. It is enough for me really to be in my little world the family Chefbestimmerin and even here I have only half a point, because Mr. Brass, the other half holds.

third What is the craziest thing you love the thrill of have made?
The "ecstasy of love "????
* * muahahahahah
Na, who has not taken place with me because I was in love and am very civilized.
"ecstasy of love"! My goodness!

Thanks to Kirstin for the questions

What Is The Chemical Formula For Carnuba Wax

Muammar, my little mouse

The famous rapper left Makss Damage, in the anti-imperialist scene SDAJ Summer Camps his fans with lyrics such as "Kill the anti-German sons of bitches, I'll thump 'they Mit'n Hammer dead separation they Mit'n by sickle. " enthusiastic or even with "I lead poison gas in settlements are Jewish Solidarity with Palestine Free Palestine "claimed, is now officially the" National Resistance "changed.
terminus right, you can say there.

Why suddenly? Was always.

Umfeiert of the anti-imperialist left and the "Palestinian friends". No wonder if Free Gaza demos from left, right and Islamists be celebrating the same time. Even with al-Quds meet all again .... .
Makss Damage is many connoisseurs of political rap music has long been a household name. He draws attention to himself with songs like "Anti-German sons of bitches," in this song he raps about, that he would send to the gulag for political opponents after her "to fuck women. Through these songs he was already longer than many leftists "National Bolsheviks" and Gewaltverherrlicher.
His glorification of violent crimes of Stalinism and its self-designation as a German "Stalinist" it ran for be red cloth in the left scene. Now he seems to have recognized this and have found an ideology that has violence and the glorification of mass murderers, no problem - he now sees himself as a "National Socialist". He said in an interview that he Axel Reitz, the "Hitler of Cologne" (taz), announced in left life lies, leftist cowardice, since left would exert no real power, which he described as shameful and cowardly, and of the contradictions within the leftist ideology, that he was not "had been more clear." The search for the legitimization of violence Julian F. - the name of Makss Damage - describes in the interview that he had missed in the "left" the military-militant, it was important to him. As he clearly shows in his old songs. When his new role model, he called Horst Mahler, a former leftist, later moved to the NPD and there with racist theories draws attention to himself. Damage to his new comrades Makss also estimates that this be a unit and "go forward, would like a fist," with his ideas and songs Makss Damage has actually always been better fitted to the rights, for the glorification of violence and Looking for companionship and the enemy appears on the right side much more pronounced. his rap, he wants to adapt his "new" ideology. At the end of the interview that was published on the website right age media, he denied the Holocaust or indirectly, as he seems to know that is a clear denial of the Holocaust in Germany a penalty.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Dog Takes Her Puppies Under Bed

Makss Damage: Suddenly Nazi!

The FAZ-culture editor Patrick Bahn has a polemic against the critics Islam wrote. Our author Henryk M. Broder is one of those attacked. A reply more:

Monday, February 21, 2011

Black Wedding Dress Garment Bag

view of the hand-basket ... Finally

It might give the impression that I am not more handicrafts, so I roused myself and made a few photos of my work in progress. Recently, I had a little Starteritis. First, I have

started after about 2-year break back at my Great American Aran Afghan to work. If I continue at this pace, then I may have this blanket ready for retirement. As you can see, I have also knitted a mistake, but I was too lazy to change the still.
Then I started a knitting tip. The guide can be found here . It is a guide of 1920 from the Otto Beyer Verlag. As the yarn I used crochet thread in the strength of 20th
To compensate I had to laaaaanger time also again struck a sock. Something about the "brain loss knitting" I must have for the days when I'm tired, and on envelopes have no interest.
Then I have my fingers when winding a bebuntet Wollmeise of color "chick". My fingers looked like I had taken in a pot of flower pollen. This color I need for my winter-part piece on my embroidery. I show but only if it is really completely finished.
And in this "treasure chest" that I have gemopst ages ago from Grandpa's old workshop,
is actually something of a treasure.
fact I work again on a Perlentäschlein. This time for me alone.
yarn color is white (tinted slightly) and the beads are crystal clear with silver tray.
A very nice combination, I think.
This time I've strung about 3670 beads, although I probably need only 2200 of them. But I was so good at driving the threading that I only stopped when the three jars were depleted with beads. * Grin *

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Synyster Gates Big Hair

eyes, mate!

Last week I did something to the published conclusions of the Turkish Report flotilla set, but no glance at the legal issues that mustered this. A well-known expert on international law wrote me an e-mail with his first impressions on the conclusions of the report: The report does not seem
carefully been proofread to be, because he contradicts himself out not only himself, he also points to possible war crimes committed by the passengers, for example: 19th Israeli soldiers took off on ropes from helicopters to the Mavi Marmara. Three have been overpowered by passengers. They were taken to deeper decks, where they were doctored because of their non-fatal wounds.
21st The shooting continued, the Israeli soldiers despite pivoted by the passengers of white flags and multilingual job announcements over the speaker system on the ship.
also demonstrated extreme sloppiness # 40:

40th The ultimate "blockade" target of Israel has been the people of the Gaza Strip because of the support of Hamas to punish. This is the reason why Israel decided in 2007 a "blockade" to impose, although other options were available and these shall persevere upright, although in his supposed military targets would not give.

The naval blockade was declared in January 2009 and imposed, not 2007. As know, the Turks do not even know when did the blockade, they have absolutely no idea why this was done and have no basis for their false claim that "Israel's ultimate, Blockade' target has been the people of the Gaza Strip for its support of to punish Hamas. " In fact, from # 40 seems to indicate that the only "proof" of the Turks in support of their (false) "fact" is that Israel imposed the blockade 2007th The

rechtlichen Schlüsse des Berichts sind sowohl widersprüchlich als auch in mehreren Fällen falsch.

-> Weiterlesen hier:

Small Business In Canada Blogs

........ it's that time again.
The monthly meeting is spinning now turn again.
I'm looking forward to the other spin AGAINST women.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Electro Shocking Movies

Turkish flotilla conclusions are self-contradictory

‎"Hordes of Western, modern-looking Muslims attack the Great Synagogue of 

Tunis to the chants of "Allahua Akbar!" and the genocial Islamic death 
chant:"Khaybar Khaybar ya yahud, Jaish Muhammad saya'ud," which  cry relates to an event in the seventh century when Muslims massacred and expelled Jews from the town of Khaybar, in modern-day Arabia.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Skyblog Vegeta And Bulma

stumbling blocks on Thursday

3 am Donnerstag

1. What was the most frustrating moment that you had with a car?
That was on a cold autumn day. Early in the morning after the night shift. I was dog tired and just wanted to sleep. Then I had on my old Fiat Punto rolled down the passenger window to get rid to the condensation. When you spin up the disk but moved out of the guide and it was neither up nor down. I then got out to the Maleur with gentle force to correct. Well, that's me, unfortunately, failed to thoroughly and as I was cooking up the frustration and I had also jammed the finger, because I have so much anger against a wide chair with his right hand done in the window and smashed it. This was great. Side window atomized, hand cut and then I was again back in the social area and let me laugh from his colleagues. I had to seek asylum in a foreign garage until I had slept. And as my colleagues are not very polite and know no mercy in this regard, I have still have several days later listening stupid comments.

second You know, how did your parents come to know. And where?
Yes, I have told my parents.
But that's not really meant for the public.

third Do you believe in love at first sight?
Upps. The question we had at the time 30/12/2010 .
there I refer to my answer.

Thanks to Kirstin for the questions

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What Can Be The Cause Of Red Checks In A Baby

what if ........

This week I was asked while shopping at the supermarket of my choice at the checkout: "Were you satisfied with your purchase, you have to get all products they were looking for?
Well, I am a frugal and easy-to-please customer and so I have border as good as my predecessor at the box office responded: "Thank you very much, as always I am very happy with my shopping here!" And lo! I left a happy man made. The woman at the box office depends a little on and gets bigger, your shoulders tighten and a grateful smile spreads across his face careworn.

I notice in passing that my response is not recorded. Now stir in my mind a little villain who whispers, "What if?"

Well, what would happen if the answer would have been. "No, to be honest, I was a little disappointed about the lack of choice of products I strongly rye meal would have needed, but you could offer me is not so now. I must get to the next mill and buy my meal there. I'm not very amused supports it! "

Ohhhh, I can see it already in my mind's eye. The woman at the cash register and then falls slowly behind the scanner to the ground. A feeble hand gropes the microphone button and an anguished cry echoed through the market !. "Mr K. (the boss) to Cashier" And then I sit in the case of the customers behind me in line also discontent is spreading because the boss does not immediately materialize at the box office and all waiting need. Because of me Because I've bitched! evil eyes meet scratch my back, feet, and an old lady discussed with their surviving wife that it had something not previously given! Placing someone to run around freely to leave!

The boss will come and drag me probably on the upper arm to his office to question me and inquisitorial weichzukochen. I actually have time for that? No matter! Everyone is personally responsible for his actions and I finally complained. The minimum penalty is a half-hour office detention. The chains clinking softly at my ankles while the store manager white as a sheet sitting in front of me and again and again: "Why are you doing this to me why?" Whispers. I do not know. I am ashamed. Then I break down and capitulate. A faint sound escapes my trembling lips: "error !"...............

Easier outcry echoed the Chief by the market: "They did not make it clear you mean it was wrong She wanted no rye meal, rye flour, but the course we have available!...!" The cheers echoed through all the shopping streets and the rye flour is presented to me solemnly. I'm fired. For this time!
Now I have to do only once in the checkout line to pay the rye flour.
come at the end of the song we started again at the beginning: "Were you satisfied with your purchase, you will get all the products you were looking for?"
My answer? "My life is perfect, since I shop here!" And lo! I made a man happy.

this in mind: Happy shopping!

Gpa Bachelor To Master Degree

A new ring ........... Merry

........... is drawn on my left hand.
The ring itself is not new. This ring has got my Grandma Anne presented in 1937 with 14 years of their graduation from their parents. He was paid at that time with a ham and other foods.
embarked The monogram is the first letter of grandmothers maiden name "AH" Grandma has always liked and even wore it last summer, I have responded to the ring and she was happy to remember. Since
expressed my grandmother had had large hands, the ring of size 62 to shrink to 57 and now it fits like a glove. He gets
now a permanent seat on my left middle finger, even if I find him a little getting used to, because he happened to sound more like a ring master and is not particularly graceful.
is important but not its appearance, but the many wonderful memories that connect me to him with my grandma.
Now I have four key rings on my two hands and who knows what rings over the decades may still happen.

who enlarged the photo, I ask you not to take my rough hands. I do not like hand creams.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Best Breasts In Tollywood

"Israel critic" on Tunis Synagogue

"Interior Minister calls for Nuremberg-scale roll as a school subject" titles today, the Erlanger news and rely on the supposedly successful "Erlanger model

So instead of ethics / philosophy of education for all children even more selection after alleged faith. If the Alevis be told of Sunni imams? Be nice to thank! Where that leads, is impressive in this video recorded:

This step was long overdue. We support the democracy movement in Egypt. As we left behind us, any claim of the people for democracy, freedom and universal human rights. The Arab world is therefore facing a new era. She experiences these days, their cases to the wall - a wall of dictatorships, religious fundamentalists and police brutality, hate and forced political immaturity. The road to democracy is long and rocky. The Tunisian and Egyptian people have now opened and many others will follow.
However, the risk is most acute, that fundamentalist religious forces to use the opportunity to come to power and to stifle this very democracy, freedom and human rights. A cautionary example is the story of the Iranian revolution. Almost exactly 32 years ago, the Shah supported Ayatollah Khomeini was in exile and began the bloody massacre and persecution of heretics, unbelievers, socialists, human rights activists, trade unionists and democrats. Even and especially the women and had to suffer bitter. Not for nothing to read, especially in Tunisia posters with demands for "Liberté, égalité, Fraternité, laïcité"

We therefore recruit for:

- Support of all forces, demonstrating for democracy and human rights,

- Support of all forces that advocate a secularization or secularism in the Arab countries

only a secular state in capable of real religious freedom, and neither favoritism nor discrimination against religious people is guaranteed.

Frank Heinze
member of the State Board of LAG secularism LINKE.Bayern

Monday, February 14, 2011

Can Sinus Infection Cause Bloody Bowel Movements

morning .......

Oh man! That can be cheerful today! The children are now already in a bad mood, that it really can only get better. I'm going to get the times ......... earmuffs and a megaphone ......

Images Brazilian Wax Styles

damned ax ...........

This evening will also work but nothing. I feel like I had cotton wool in the head or a cup-girlfriends. Knitting does not work. Not even the simplest and most ridiculous cable pattern. Embroidery does not work and it looks awful. Have for the umpteenth time the stitches again separated and not even get the thread threaded into the eye of the needle tip ............. My knitting in this state, I dare not even look at, let alone to knit on. ................ What remains for now left? Pout! I am now going to strangle my Cuddle pillows .................* gnaz *

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Cervical Fluid On Day 19

Mubarak's resignation overdue

The exiled Iranian activist Fathiyeh Naghibzadeh about the uprising in Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood and Iran's role. "European media report mostly negative about Mubarak The reason is clear: it is the latent anti-Americanism of Europeans, but the Green revolt in Iran was not pro-American.. This has irritated the world view of many Europeans. The worst thing is that European companies that supply weapons technology, with the opposition in Egypt is suppressed, as in Iran: Mobile phone surveillance, Internet blocking. The Europeans need to demonstrate against the communications companies. Unfortunately, Chancellor Merkel in Israel has just spoken out against economic boycotts, although the Israeli government had asked for a corresponding boycott of Iran. This is sad and totally wrong. This policy supports de facto death and torture. "

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Can You Write Off Office Space For Non Profit

Alternatives to couples poisoning

There are about two days a year, I fear a regular basis. One is 31 December - the last day of the year. (A part of me deep in feeling, according to that probably still from the time when people believed in the earth as a disk, is, goes at 31.12. The world and who knows at first been so sure whether they actually at 1.1 . resurrected Just because it does always work, that does not mean that it will continue ... But I digress.)

And the other is the Valentine's Day. And just in case I wanted to drive out the date by accident or deliberately, to remember all email-provider-Newsletter Days continuously before: ". Think about it - on Valentine's Day is 2.14!"

course I could try to blame reasons why my dislike for this date is at least well founded. And then to the general "Valentine's Day sucks. For Singles never offered what and now they are all couples services / your picture taken here at half price with your sweetheart, the finest pair photo will win a trip to the Caribbean / romantic dinner in any establishment in the And you'd usually comes in at all. I can not show my partner that day outside my love and anyway this is all an invention of the flower industry. - Deliver the whining.
But this would suggest too much the conclusion that I first German I and 2 probably just jealous.

I could instead now go to me and to their causes, research, putting myself in therapy and worked up my childhood. But as I recently the benefits of pragmatism 've discovered for myself, I have decided to supplement this year is the inner " couple poisoning in the park" with a peaceful strategy.

Spoiler: Attention, here's what pious. If not you abkannst, better not read. For couples, however, parts of it could be worth perhaps. And, no, that is yes, then what Fromme ... And, as bad as non-isses. And actually, now is also only the real purpose of the post. As always, in violation of every journalistic principle at the very end. But I want to urge not to read on ...

My preference at this year's annual Mantra solution here so I had already expressed. Now comes time ne Application:

I assume poisoning among couples not "overcome with good" as. But I have now does not want couples are evil. Said ... What would be here because what is "good"? As a couple therapist, I am only very limited use. And flowers they get already. So I thought about it: prayer helps. I assume that this also applies to couples. And I know some where you can see that the Paarsein obviously not always as "Valentine" is, how the bend singles sometimes.

Just one more breath and then it comes ...

Petra For All's trying times with prayer instead of poison. And not for all, but for the non-singles. Relationship problems are not a requirement is rosy as (heck yes give). And if I know you or not does not matter. You have to make even say anything and just call out "here". And one or two names would be helpful, because it is better than praying for "the girlfriend of the one that my grad has not written the mail." For results must then of course the recipient of my prayers (that would be God) prosecuted. But I am convinced that prayer of singles by the increased inhibition have counted at least twice help. And that is the one for which one prays to hate at least bad, but sometimes even worth much. At least for me. says

why (if possible in front of Valentine's Day, but then works also) know if you want to be there, for example, a mail bob_thetomato (at) is

(If even a single day this week is invented and are full of envy looks at the singles, you can of course also like to try the other way around ...)

How Many Women Shave Their Pubic Area

A touch ............

Viewed "awakening of spring and the appearance of the morning!
The beauty reveals itself to those who consider .
Khalil Gibran
tender So wonderful and fragile!
shimmering silky and light as the breeze itself.
a tulip.

"One would think that the disappearing contact with nature, the direct expression of beauty and goodness, all the evil in the human heart can needed. "Unearthed
Leo Tolstoy

Friday, February 11, 2011

Bike Shaped Birthday Cake

The West is very cowardly

"The question is, why you drive at all to Israel," said Friedrich. "I mean: What do you want it come many who believe that it is very noble of them to go to Israel because they want to help the Jews or the Palestinians or help reconcile the Christians In any case, and....., 1518,743288,00. html

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Cnet Cn200 Pro Fast Ethernet Adapter Driver W2000

"If I were a Jew, I had enough of the Germans" With

90% of Egyptians harbor a deep dislike of Israel. 60% want Sharia law. 20% of the Muslim Brotherhood chose at the last Elections. In interviews in Israel threatened a war demonstrations, images of posters circulating on which Mubarak is drawn with David Stern. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu accused the West, Mubarak, to have dropped a loyal ally. And new reports from Tahrir Square in Egypt now witness the ghostly presence of the Muslim brothers who pray and slogans against Israel and the U.S. roar and announced plans to mobilize the whole of Egypt against Israel. The friends and friends of Israel were and are divided. Some supported the Egyptian protests so far, so they followed with joyful emotions. We even heard slogans from days gone by, praise is close to the international solidarity and suspicion that are idealized here as during the euphoria of the anti-imperialist revolutions climax in other places, to escape the rigidity at home. Others warn of a second Iran, in a fourth front against Israel, Mubarak's dictatorship against the people keep moving the bar Islamism. Voices of reason have become rare. more?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Images Of My Wife In A Girdle

Mubarak to Israel?

What does this mean for the secular and secular people? This has to look at the respective States. The spectrum ranges from fundamentalist theocracy like Iran or Saudi Arabia, where the legislation is based on religious references (Sharia), through more secular states such as Jordan (where it is next to the civil courts and Sharia courts, which in private law disputes can be called on Muslims and apply the Islamic law, is) or countries such as Tunisia, have deleted the reference to Sharia in the constitution.

As we left behind us, any claim of the peoples for democracy, freedom and universal Human rights. These protests are just in the Middle East the hope of many people living in religious dictatorships.
However, the risk is most acute that use fundamentalist religious forces a chance to come to power and to stifle this very democracy, freedom and human rights. A cautionary example is the story of the Iranian revolution. No sooner was the Shah supported Ayatollah Khomeini was in exile and began the bloody massacre and persecution of other faiths, non-believers, communists, socialists, human rights activists, trade unionists and democrats. Even and especially the women and had to have bitter suffering. Our demand is:
- Support of all forces, demonstrating for democracy and human rights

- Support of all forces for a secularization or secularism in the
Arab countries
- Support of all forces that fundamentalist religious movements
only a secular state is able to guarantee genuine freedom of religion and neither favoritism nor discrimination against religious people. So far, the protest movement of secular segments of the population is supported, as reported by Hamed Abdel-Samad and other observers. Quote Abdel-Samad: "I was in the middle of the demonstration, as a supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood began to shout religious slogans, the bystanders have silenced him and said to him.! No Muslim calls here demonstrates the Egyptian people and not an Islamic Sect. As you can see that a new generation has grown up that are not attributable to the Islamists. "Source: FAZ, 31 January 2011

Let us help, we keep it that way! call on all politicians to the party Die Linke, to strengthen the secular and secular forces in the region and protect.

* The author is a member of the National Executive Committee LAG secularism, THE LINKE.Bayern

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Freepict Urinarywith U V Juntion Smaal Stone

jasmine and tear gas - Revolutions in the Arab countries have

"The Islamic / Islamist anti-Semitism is additional to the left anti-Israel discourse (with whom she mixes some). " -zukunft_4487