Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How I Can Make My Voice Sweet

was calling for more Islamic education

This step was long overdue. We support the democracy movement in Egypt. As we left behind us, any claim of the people for democracy, freedom and universal human rights. The Arab world is therefore facing a new era. She experiences these days, their cases to the wall - a wall of dictatorships, religious fundamentalists and police brutality, hate and forced political immaturity. The road to democracy is long and rocky. The Tunisian and Egyptian people have now opened and many others will follow. However, the risk is most acute, that fundamentalist religious forces to use the opportunity to come to power and to stifle this very democracy, freedom and human rights. A cautionary example is the story of the Iranian revolution. Almost exactly 32 years ago, the Shah supported Ayatollah Khomeini was in exile and began the bloody massacre and persecution of heretics, unbelievers, socialists, human rights activists, trade unionists and democrats. Even and especially the women and had to suffer bitter. Not for nothing to read, especially in Tunisia posters with demands for "Liberté, égalité, Fraternité, laïcité"

We therefore recruit for:

- Support of all forces, demonstrating for democracy and human rights,

- Support of all forces that advocate a secularization or secularism in the Arab countries

only a secular state in capable of real religious freedom, and neither favoritism nor discrimination against religious people is guaranteed.

Frank Heinze
member of the State Board of LAG secularism LINKE.Bayern


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