Thursday, February 3, 2011

Images Of My Wife In A Girdle

Mubarak to Israel?

What does this mean for the secular and secular people? This has to look at the respective States. The spectrum ranges from fundamentalist theocracy like Iran or Saudi Arabia, where the legislation is based on religious references (Sharia), through more secular states such as Jordan (where it is next to the civil courts and Sharia courts, which in private law disputes can be called on Muslims and apply the Islamic law, is) or countries such as Tunisia, have deleted the reference to Sharia in the constitution.

As we left behind us, any claim of the peoples for democracy, freedom and universal Human rights. These protests are just in the Middle East the hope of many people living in religious dictatorships.
However, the risk is most acute that use fundamentalist religious forces a chance to come to power and to stifle this very democracy, freedom and human rights. A cautionary example is the story of the Iranian revolution. No sooner was the Shah supported Ayatollah Khomeini was in exile and began the bloody massacre and persecution of other faiths, non-believers, communists, socialists, human rights activists, trade unionists and democrats. Even and especially the women and had to have bitter suffering. Our demand is:
- Support of all forces, demonstrating for democracy and human rights

- Support of all forces for a secularization or secularism in the
Arab countries
- Support of all forces that fundamentalist religious movements
only a secular state is able to guarantee genuine freedom of religion and neither favoritism nor discrimination against religious people. So far, the protest movement of secular segments of the population is supported, as reported by Hamed Abdel-Samad and other observers. Quote Abdel-Samad: "I was in the middle of the demonstration, as a supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood began to shout religious slogans, the bystanders have silenced him and said to him.! No Muslim calls here demonstrates the Egyptian people and not an Islamic Sect. As you can see that a new generation has grown up that are not attributable to the Islamists. "Source: FAZ, 31 January 2011

Let us help, we keep it that way! call on all politicians to the party Die Linke, to strengthen the secular and secular forces in the region and protect.

* The author is a member of the National Executive Committee LAG secularism, THE LINKE.Bayern


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