view of the hand-basket ... Finally It might give the impression that I am not more handicrafts, so I roused myself and made a few photos of my work in progress. Recently, I had a little Starteritis. First, I have
started after about 2-year break back at my Great American Aran Afghan to work. If I continue at this pace, then I may have this blanket ready for retirement. As you can see, I have also knitted a mistake, but I was too lazy to change the still.
Then I started a knitting tip. The guide can be found here
. It is a guide of 1920 from the Otto Beyer Verlag. As the yarn I used crochet thread in the strength of 20th
To compensate I had to laaaaanger time also again struck a sock. Something about the "brain loss knitting" I must have for the days when I'm tired, and on envelopes have no interest.
Then I have my fingers when winding a bebuntet Wollmeise of color "chick". My fingers looked like I had taken in a pot of flower pollen. This color I need for my winter-part piece on my embroidery. I show but only if it is really completely finished.
And in this "treasure chest" that I have gemopst ages ago from Grandpa's old workshop,
is actually something of a treasure.
fact I work again on a Perlentäschlein. This time for me alone.
yarn color is white (tinted slightly) and the beads are crystal clear with silver tray.
A very nice combination, I think.
This time I've strung about 3670 beads, although I probably need only 2200 of them. But I was so good at driving the threading that I only stopped when the three jars were depleted with beads. * Grin *
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