The Next please! Who pays in the end for the country Domino?
Udo Ulfkotte
No matter where you politically, ideologically or cultural, is a must each admit: When Domino country there will be winners and losers. Because someone has to pay even for the consequences of country-Dominos. Countries such as Tunisia and Egypt can not do the job on its own.
And if as the European Union transfers money to these countries, it is certainly not the bankrupt from EU countries like Greece or Portugal. A study now explains, regardless of EU money, who it will hit hardest in the countries in the future financially-Domino. At the top of those who have to pay are Germany, Switzerland and Austria.
just believed the country Domino Egypt had calmed and tourists could again bring in foreign troops since the go further violent unrest in Cairo . The American government is disillusioned, according to the Washington Post the country Domino in Islamic states anyway, no longer believes in the "democratization," but expects that the new governments in Muslim countries democratic, but made by fundamentalist Muslim groups be because the majority of the population will be expressed in truth not a democracy but the rule of Islam. Many Europeans still believe that the great country Domino will soon be ended. And then will we have a new wonderful world with many democratic counterparts. How nice for those who want to believe it ...
The Royal Bank of Canada (RBC Bank) one sees things differently. And there will have to analyze risks. And it predicted in a recently published study entitled The political and social unrest index - who's next, go on countries in which the country is Domino. High on the list, accordingly, only large and important oil exporters: Sudan, Iraq, Yemen, Nigeria, Algeria and Iran. That is in plain text: The price of oil (and gold and silver) would probably still reach dizzying heights. We will So in any case pay at the pump, and when filling up with fuel oil or products that require the production of energy, a price for the country to Domino.
And then follow Syria, Egypt (where it will supposedly soon to new unrest), Saudi Arabia, Colombia and China, Indonesia, Tunisia and South Africa. Rubbing their eyes in amazement, because China is thus consistent with the potential for unrest is still far ahead of countries such as Tunisia (as well as Libya and Lebanon) in the list of countries dominoes. But the indicators as per capita income, youth unemployment, political satisfaction and social justice are the opinion of RBC in China devastating to the detriment of the population marked than in countries such as Libya.
, we could then go to meet pretty troubled times. If we look at the endless list of those states in which the potential for unrest of the population is so large that there are severe disturbances expected, we should remember that someone has to pay at the end. It will be the taxpayers of those countries who are being prepared or financially reasonably well. And now even including the tax payers in Switzerland, Luxembourg, Germany and Austria. The Nigerians, Iraqis, Sudanese, Yemenis, Algerians, and all the other inhabitants of country Domino States are not sure can pay.
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