USA The euro's for sure!
The Daily Bell, 03/03/2011
What happens if the euro collapses? There are about the elites themselves behind the €-crash? The elites would like their world currency, but it raises the question whether they will succeed.
Ireland's new leader, Enda Kenny, now faces a daunting task, because he just tried, the conditions of EUR 67 billion ECU-IMF package of his country - either by lowering the interest rate or by changes in the arrangements for referral of emergency funds - should be altered to help Ireland to free itself from the debt trap "UK Telegraph, 02/03/2011
The predominant social issue: We will muddle through already. The European Union will survive. Free Market Analysis: Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, author of the Telegraph, has written yet another of his typically insightful analysis. This time it's about the difficulties of Ireland, with which the country in the renegotiation of the debt payments, to rescue the failing Irish banks will be confronted.
The Irish Bank bonds are held, among others, German and French banks, and it has exerted enormous pressure on Ireland, that the government is borrowing money, raising taxes and underlines the government spending to ensure that distressed banks do not go down completely.
The pressure this on the shoulders of the Irish economy and especially to be borne by the Irish taxpayer is enormous. Iceland chose to drop the insolvent banks. As a result, Iceland is already back show some economic improvements. The Irish economy languishes still evil in himself, and there is no hope that will not change anything big in the near future. The fact is that it is probably in Ireland at the end even come to some sort of national bankruptcy or popular uprising.
have therefore turned to the Irishman at the last election, the largest opposition party, Fine Gael, which offered a clear alternative to what has been negotiated with the EU. Nevertheless, there are huge obstacles that it shows how Evans-Pritchard, to be overcome in the new negotiations with the EU. Through the agreement reached last year rescue funds were made available, stabilized with which the Irish Finance should be.
Most of the problems with the renegotiation of the current - may well be unsustainable - conditions of the bailout comes from the German side. Recently it was suggested that the EU "Euro-bonds" could spend what suffering the credit crisis, where countries such as Ireland, would alleviate considerably. But Angela Merkel's three-party coalition is against the idea of a Euro bond. Evans-Pritchard says, are justified by the fact that would end all EU countries who guarantee for the bonds. The German government intends
coalition, the Bundestag any in this regard with the EU submit the agreement reached for adoption. And: "A group of 189 German professors warned of the" fatal consequences for the entire European integration ', the EU should cross the Rubicon of a de facto debt Union. "
" I can not remember an event where the legislature ever such targets were made. Merkel has very little room "Evans-Pritchard cited the currency chief at BNP Paribas, Hans Redeker. "At the meeting there will be disappointments, which will make the euro-zone periphery lives more difficult."
Meanwhile, rising oil prices now make sure that economic growth EU drops considerably, which will weaken the Irish economy and that of other European countries also. Such "peripheral countries" are at risk of acting outside financial problems most vulnerable.
Merkel's government has the Eurocrats, but to an alternative plan. That the EU rescue package will be extended, those entitled to vote to save money, in return, the EU (Germany) in the internal affairs of countries engaging receives regulatory authority and supervisory powers. The
has met with Ireland and other countries already fierce opposition. The result of the Second World War of reservations here are still visible, especially in countries such as Greece, and the prevailing view that Germany would try to use its financial power to achieve peace in the European empire, that it previously wanted to build with military means.
Evans-Pritchard points out that the European Commission has drafted a compromise that is from Germany, however, felt as old wine in new bottles. The retired Federal Reserve Chairman Axel Weber - a vehement critic against any agreements that would entangle Germany even more in the rescue of third parties - attacked the plan to the EU, claiming this was the End to the issue of euro bonds lead.
Germany's views regarding these issues are being increasingly shared by the Netherlands and Finland - that the northern Euro-zone countries, which are significantly more solvent than the south.
Ireland currently pays almost 6% interest on its EU loans. The EU's financing costs, however at 2.6%, although there is no guarantee that the cost of borrowing will not increase as the EU is now gradually recovering from the crisis of 2008.
Evans-Pritchard believes that the new Irish government still has a secret weapon in their arsenal. You could in fact against the leading creditors the Irish banks with a
"'Haircut' threaten [a debt devaluation], should the EU oppose a compromise. This step could result in the entire euro zone and lead to infection in the German state banks to large losses.
Evans-Pritchard concludes that the Irishman provoke the anger of the euro zone would, they should play this card. The situation would remain there unchanged, it would provoke the anger of the Irish electorate that brought the former Irish government does because of the current emergency conditions a crushing defeat. The alternatives could then not be starker.
Evans-Pritchard's analysis concludes with a consideration of various alternatives. We do wish to point out another possibility - one, will not speculate on the part of the prestigious mass media.
Our idea is that the € intentionally in the present phase of destruction is left to the discretion. The current dilemma is perhaps no coincidence - yes it was in fact even accurately predict. We have already stated in the past that the euro zone is an integral part of the plans of Anglo-American power elite, the government of the world further.
The EU has already succeeded, however - and the political without full power - to approximate a large part of the regulatory disparities, and to convert the euro area into a homogeneous whole.
It may be that the euro is not necessary at this time. The idea would be natural that, while the euro continued to crash, would already be available, an alternative currency. The Anglosphere has with the Special Drawing Right of the International Monetary Fund on such currency that even in a more manageable currency called "Bancor" could be transformed, as the economist John Maynard Keynes proposed 50 years ago.
While it is to say the least perhaps may sound a bit unrealistic, we would (as the devil's advocate) claim that it is precisely the socio-political and economic chaos, yes, leading to significant economic changes. And is distinguished from such chaos?
us it appears as if the power elite by the current change of government in the Middle East has already begun to put the world on fire. Regarding this issue, we reported about the guilt of the West in numerous articles.
We would argue that any elite that is able to perform in dozens of countries controlled revolutions certainly willing would be to make a similar chaos in the West by check. There
What is the evidence for that? We believe that deliberately by the policy of the western central banking, a rampant price inflation in the developed and developing countries was launched. The sudden emergence of food shortages (which will follow the water scarcity) should also be a coincidence.
All these factors are controllable by the power of money, and it seems so to us - although we can discuss it - as if that controlled and continue to spread chaos intention.
In the U.S., Barack Obama has added trillions of public debt, whereas the profligacy of George Bush did almost make a modest impression. Again, we believe that this could be a deliberate destabilization of the fiscal and monetary situation of the United States.
The authoritarian depredations of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, DHS, could also be a deliberately planned Aufstachlung. In view of 40 million U.S. citizens who depend on food stamps, an unemployment rate of at least 20%, increasing price inflation, failing wars, a foreclosure rate of 10% and a polarized political environment, it seems to us such as would America face the same civil disturbance; which will most likely be in Europe when it gets warmer outside.
There are not the civil unrest that will make the difference here, but the inflationary decline of U.S. dollar reserve system. The combination of monetary instability, social unrest and military tensions (the West against the growing "threat" of a controlled pseudo-militaristic Islam) could create the need for the G20 group of a large-scale compromise found with respect to a new monetary environment has, which then supervision of the United Nations is controlled by the International Monetary Fund.
That is also the point where instead of keeping the promoted by the United Nations' New World Order "the right to tax - which the United Nations the last few years have suggested with increasing enthusiasm.
Conclusion: This sounds definitely all in extremely speculative, but we are already in the past few years by the daring - hopeless? - Destruction of the power elite by surprise.
The destabilization of a quarter of the world seems clearly not unthinkable. We would see it this out of the shadow cabal operating trust in any case that they deliberately destabilize the euro, just as they did when Dollar has done.
China has done in recent months, nothing else, as more and more to distance itself from the dollar-reserve system. The Russians probably have to wait in our opinion, not too far behind and soon follow suit.
We do not know what the exact mechanisms need to look to the events leading to a new currency system, in this article, we have however sought to go this question logically to the bottom. Is this far fetched? Sure. But it's not far-fetched, as the events currently taking place in the world.
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