Monday, March 7, 2011

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anger at Merkel & Co

by Dr.-Ing. Artur P. Schmidt

Political bankruptcy: the anger at Merkel & Co is entitled. - Who selects the now established parties can no longer feel represented, as in this despicable manner only produce a bad farce.

Merkel & Co have worn-out had to resign

that Guttenberg was inevitable. If he wants to come back in a few years on the political stage, one should not deny him that opportunity. His sympathy and his rise to Guttenberg owed to the fact that the political class in Germany, regardless of which party has completely worn-out.

A Gabriel is as unspeakable as a Westerwelle, Seehofer or Chancellor Merkel. Guttenberg fueled the image of the other, a man of hope embodied in a country that is full of completely incompetent politicians who only have one thing in mind to secure positions of power and to stake their claims. Guttenberg has attracted many voters who would otherwise have been in the state of the extra-parliamentary opposition and the voters from all political camps.
The Messiah Phenomenon

There seems to be today escaped the political leaders that Guttenberg could exploit an effect which existed in the history of Germany before. But pop star effects in politics are extremely dangerous, but this led only to the rise of Adolf Hitler. "

The people who run after Guttenberg and mourn today are frustrated, the same as those in the Weimar Republic, a new Messiah would. The only reason Guttenberg, many citizens were willing to forgive any mistakes and this follow blindly in his own downfall, especially the agitation and propaganda paper "Bild", which has produced in the form of its chief editor Diekmann a postmodern Goebbels.

The Facebook phenomenon that within 24 hours of nearly 400,000 members form, although Guttenberg was exposed clearly as a plagiarist and a cheat, is a mass phenomenon, which is directed not against an alleged hunt for Guttenberg, but directly attacking the political establishment, which one is brought down, which represented for many a hope against the general dumbing down of politics, cumulated in the now-Chancellor of cronyism, which has lost all self-criticism. The phenomenon Sarrazin can only explain so that here one has made against the establishment and that precisely this is a guarantee today, to gain maximum attention.
new faces, the country needs

It seems like more and more people with the value system of today's political world is no longer wish to accept, whatever Stuttgart revealed 21, and the gap between politicians and citizens is increasing. Socialism 2.0, which is introduced by Merkel on the back door, always finds less acceptance among the citizens. Therefore, it is not just a question of overthrowing the Chancellor, but all the party leaders in all parties.

must also new parties and new political forces and new media are created, not only cut short the current political caste, but also just the post-modern media Fascism Will, Maischberger, Plasberg, Kerner and company. Who elects the now established parties can no longer feel represented, as in this despicable manner only produce a bad farce.

what the Republic does not need is a right-wing populist party but a party that effective management in the policy brings that on clear Goal orientation focused and finished the lobbying and the general Geschacherpolitik. Guttenberg deserve thanks, that it manifests the need for change has, he has shown something to admit Merkel will not like that a CDU may fall below 25% if it goes ahead with its policy of general sitting it out and the re-introduction of socialism in Germany .
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