Sunday, March 6, 2011

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hyperinflation is inflation - mid 2011, the fun begins! The collapse

Inflation: Inflation is

06/03/2011 - 2011 the fun begins! The United States currently make about $ 100,000,000,000 new debt per month! These government bonds in the amount of 100 billion dollars will be complete by the American Federal Reserve (Fed) were bought because they want to purchase government bonds, no one.

have (Until 2 years ago, the Chinese bought a large part of U.S. government bonds, but now have no desire to pay the bills of Americans. Meanwhile, the Fed has more U.S. bonds than the Chinese government! ) The commercial banks invest the money in almost all commodities, so that the inflation is exported to the whole world (make the connection because the raw materials to the dollar), which the United States for almost 100 years.

purchased since May 2010, the ECB also on government bonds issued by EU countries. After the central banks from the U.S., England and Japan, which for years buying up large-scale own government bonds, the European Central Bank has followed suit in 2010. In addition, the ECB loans to all banks, without limit provided! Duration 3 to 6 months. Collateral is not required!

addition, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is officially in favor of raising the target of annual inflation to 4 percent. The European Central Bank (ECB) provided monetary stability so far, with an annual inflation of 2.0 percent guaranteed. That should change now! Some leading U.S. economists say even favored an annual inflation from 5.0 to 10.0 percent in order to reduce the rising budget deficits under control. In parallel, Ben Bernanke, recently announced after a Fed meeting, that interest rates will remain for a longer time low. The creeping expropriation of citizens begins. If the Fed and the ECB key interest rates begin to increase, which inevitably leads to the burst bubble of government bonds, inflation will pick up considerably. Why is it in our monetary system to inflation must come to see you in the video below:

There are two phases, as will happen in the future, namely phase 1 and phase 2

Phase 1 sees the weginflationieren before the debts. Ben Bernanke, which many do not know, the great world economic crisis of 1929, studied like no other. He has produced a set of actions which a new world economic crisis with the same consequences how to prevent the early 1930s. For this reason, he was also appointed to the Fed chairman, as the leaders knew years ago what we all flowers, as the emergence of the crisis before 1929, the emergence of the crisis before 2008 is very similar. After 1929, virtually all wrong, what could be wrong, because the money supply was further reduced, which led to the great deflation. In the current crisis is, however gamacht exactly the opposite of what was done before: The money supply has been increased massively! Ben Bernanke said on taking office, should it become necessary, he can fly helicopters over the country and throw dollars. In his words he has in this crisis Deeds will follow! The Fed's key interest rates were lowered to 0 to 0.25 per cent and there were and are (worthless) bonds, real estate and government bonds in trillion amount repurchased. He will continue as long as it until the economy is booming again. And the inflation that inevitably arises, he takes and (almost) all other Americans inkauf you. The bill ultimately paid the entire world. Phase 2 is the currency reform. With confidence in the dollar is destroyed by high inflation, or even hyperinflation, it has a new (world) give currency. This new currency will probably Globo, Terra, Bancor or Phoenix hot and a basket of 30 commodities be covered in order to create confidence in the new currency. Preparations for a currency reform run full speed behind the scenes so already! Once the masses gets this information and acts accordingly, inflation will rise dramatically.

Source: solid-monetary


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