the world economy: Prepare yourself for a disaster!
The Economic Collapse, 03/04/2011
food inflation, soaring oil prices, water shortages, the continued deepening debt crisis - the problems facing the world economy currently, are many.
This is not merely to the decline of the U.S., but about that the global economy collapses.
The present world financial system is based on debt, and there are alarming indications that the huge debt bubble to burst is short. In addition, rising global prices for key commodities, of which the major economies of the planet depend on currently extremely strong.
Although we have all the advanced technology, it is the human civilization is not possible to get along without food. However, we must observe how the price of oil and food prices currently threatening. How should the world economy remains reasonable if it will soon be much more expensive to transport goods around the world? How are billions of people who come today just to make ends meet to feed because, if food prices rise by 30% or 40%?
have accepted it for decades the major economies of the world as a given that huge Quantities of cheap oil and vast quantities of cheap food available and in the future will always be there. What happens when changes this paradigm?
U.S. oil currently costs about $ 104 per barrel. The Brent crude was as high as $ 115 a barrel. Many analysts fear that, should the crisis escalate further in Libya or the chaos in the Middle East, skip, we could see how the oil-all-time high of USD 147 per barrel by the end of this year is broken. For the world economy, this would be absolutely devastating.
But the chaos in the Middle East is not the only reason for the attractive price of crude oil. The fact is that the oil price attracted for months. The recent revolutions in the Middle East have only led to the current trend continued to accelerate.
Let's hope that the "day of anger", which will still take place this month in Saudi Arabia are not turned into a complete revolution, as we have already observed in other countries of the Middle East.
The Saudis govern their people with an iron hand, but currently virtually anything is possible. If it were in Saudi Arabia to a real revolution, it could catapult the price of oil rapidly into previously unknown areas.
But the world had already been without the turmoil in the Middle East with a Oil shortage fight. Global oil demand rises sharply. Thus, the Chinese oil demand has increased, for example, almost 1 million barrels a day. This is breathtaking. The Chinese now buy more new cars each year than Americans, which means that Chinese oil demand is growing steadily.
counter the rise in global crude oil demand could be a lot to be done, the politicians and the CEOs of major oil companies prefer, however, to do nothing about it. It seems that they would find the high price of oil even good.
sees Currently there any event like this, as if the oil price in the future continue to rise, and as a result then it will be a need to pay much higher gasoline prices at the pump. The news channel ABC News reported that at a gas station in Orlando, Florida for regular unleaded gasoline has already had U.S. $ 5.29 pay per gallon (3.79 liters).
The U.S. economy is compared to a rise in oil prices especially vulnerable, as the entire U.S. economy was built on the basis of a supply of cheap oil. If the price of gasoline rise to $ 5 to $ 6 dollars a gallon and remain at that level, that would be disastrous for the U.S. economy.
One only zurückzuerinnern of what in 2008 happened. The oil price reached its all-time high of USD 147 per barrel and a few months later it came in the financial system to a major collapse.
In addition, a rising oil price, the imbalances of the global financial system intensify even more. This is a situation that each of us should follow closely.
But it's not just the oil price, which could trigger a global economic catastrophe. Global food prices are quite possible even more worrying. As you read this, there are about 3 billion people around the world who have come to $ 2 or even less money on the day to make ends meet. These people can not afford that food prices continue to rise.
Global food prices continue to rise, however. According to the United Nations is the global food prices on the 8th Consecutive month of increase. Last month, food prices reached an all time high. Many observers fear that we might find ourselves in fact already in the first drafts of a major global food crisis.
Over the past 12 months it was virtually all agricultural commodities to a price explosion:
• The price of maize has doubled in the past six months.
• The price of wheat within the past year has increased by more than double.
• The price of soybeans has risen since June last year by over 50%.
• The price of cotton has doubled within the past year more than.
• Orange juice is today compared to 2009 also twice as expensive.
• The price of sugar reached a new 30-year high.
Regrettably, the food production in most countries heavily dependent on oil. If the oil price rises, there is thus an additional aggravation of the food crisis. We should prepare for a storm here.
I wrote in a previous Article that the world faces with regard to the freshwater supply very serious problems. Because of the greed of the global elite, there is not enough fresh water in the approach for all people. Below are some very disturbing facts about the world's water situation:
• The global water demand has tripled in the last century and is currently doubling every 21 years.
• According to the United States Agency for Development Cooperation, USAID will have to struggle in 2025 one in three people living on earth with a serious or continual water shortages.
• Of the 60 million people each year in addition to draw the urban regions of our planet, the majority living in impoverished slums and shanties without sanitation.
• It is estimated that 75% of the surface water in India are contaminated by human and agricultural waste.
• According to a study by the United Nations sanitation in India have significantly more people a cell phone as a toilet.
• In the north of China is due to groundwater over-pumping back annually to one meter. Currently there is
already become a trend, water the "oil of the 21st to name a century. " Unfortunately, these are but a completely wrong view. Fresh, clean water is something we all need, but the global supply situation worsened rapidly.
Our politicians and the global elite could do something about it if they really wanted, but at present it seems best to the life that happens to be.
on all these issues will be added also the global debt crisis, which has now also reached a new peak.
All the major world's central banks have feverishly printing money, a test with which they want to "whitewash" the crisis, but this does not work.
Most U.S. citizens are also not sure, but Europe is currently a financially hoffnungsloder case. Greece and Ireland had already imploded, we had these countries not saved. Now Portugal is on the verge of collapse. The interest rate for 10-year-old Portuguese Staatsanliehen is now for 3 weeks to about 7%. Most analysts believe that this is only a matter of time before the Portuguese are forced to accept a rescue.
Unfortunately, the global economic slowdown could be due to the now rising oil prices mean that half a dozen European countries set the operation of their public debt must not they should be saved be. Currently, the Germans still live with it, to save the weaker countries around them, but that will not go last forever.
Europe is the day before the settlement, and if that comes, the shock waves being felt across the planet. The euro is currently already on extremely shaky ground, and whether it will survive the coming crisis is an open question.
course, there are serious concerns about Asia. Japan's public debt now stands at well over 200% of the gross domestic product, and it seems as if no one solution to this problem. So far, Japan has been in a position to huge amounts of money to lend at low interest rates from its own people - but that will not go on last forever.
As in the past I already explained many times, it is the United States, the biggest problem of all debts have. Barack Obama is planning the financial budget of the Federal Government in this fiscal year with a record deficit of $ 1.65 trillion. It is expected that the U.S. government debt until the end of this fiscal year exceed the USD 15 trillion, will. The
but would actually be celebrated when the time comes. USD 15 trillion in fact a benefit.
Most Americans can not even imagine yet, how massive this debt really is. If the U.S. government at this moment that would begin to pay off the U.S. national debt with a rate of $ 1 per second, they would need still more than 440,000 years in order to reduce the debt completely.
But the United States are not alone. The truth is that wherever you look there is nothing but a sea of debt seen extending over the entire planet.
The present world financial system is based entirely on debt. If it is not the debt levels continually expanding, it comes to system breakdown. If you somehow could find a way, this system constantly maintain (which is impossible), the global amount of debt would increase to last forever.
The World Economic Forum said that the total debt amount will increase within the next 10 years by a further U.S. $ 100 trillion would have to "rely on" the predicted world economic growth.
The entire world financial system is a gigantic pyramid scheme. It has been designed so that everyone is enslaved by the existing debt forever. Eventually it will come in this spiral of debt, however, a significant fraction, and then we will be witnessing an economic catastrophe, seem in the light of the events of 2008 as a Sunday stroll.
The more you are with the current situation of world economy, continue, the clearer it becomes that the we are doomed. All people in the world should prepare themselves, be better on it. We will face an economic disaster.
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